Episode 41—Lifelong Learning at the Sewing and Design School
My guest today is Ryliss Bod, owner and founder of the Sewing and Design School in Tacoma, Washington. Ryliss considers herself one of the luckiest people in the world. She was raised in a family where learning new skills—no matter your age—was valued and encouraged. She channeled her love of sewing into a career as part of the faculty of Bates Technical College. In 2012, she opened the Sewing and Design School and has inspired students to advance their skills through a variety of classes for all skill levels. In addition to the ongoing slate of classes, Ryliss also brings in instructors such as Kenneth D. King for special workshops throughout the year on pattern drafting and moulage making. I’ve taken a class from Ryliss and am registered for two more this fall. Come along and listen as I visit with Ryliss!
The Sewing and Design School website—sign up for classes!
Make It With Wool Competition
Ryliss’ coat pattern mentioned in the episode
Ryliss’ Instagram account
Check out the new guest form on the website (menu at top left). If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast, please fill out the form.
Janet Szabo’s website
Big Sky Knitting Designs website—Purchase digital copies of Janet’s knitting patterns and order copies of her books.
The ‘Suck It Up, Buttercup’ Blog—Janet’s commentary on life in Montana