Episode 26—A Visit with Kate McIvor of The Confident Stitch
The current economic environment is challenging for small businesses. On today's episode, Janet visits with Kate McIvor, owner of The Confident Stitch in Missoula, Montana, to hear about her business philosophy and what makes for a successful fabric store. The Confident Stitch offers both modern quilt fabrics and apparel fabrics in a lovely, downtown Missoula brick-and-mortar store, but also has a thriving online presence and several subscription services for customers. Kate will introduce us to"We Quilt This City and gar{Meant} For You and talk about the joys and challenges of living out her life's dream.
The Confident Stitch Links
The Confident Stitch website—A truly beautiful site with a wealth of photos and resources for sewists and quilters!
Instagram—Kate and her team make some very entertaining reels. A great way to liven up your day.
The Confident Stitch Facebook Community
YouTube—lots of excellent videos on The Confident Stitch subscription programs We Quilt This City and gar{Meant} For You, Kate’s curated swatch service (click on the photo below for more information).
Janet Szabo’s website
Big Sky Knitting Designs website—Purchase digital copies of Janet’s knitting patterns and order copies of her books.
The ‘Suck It Up, Buttercup’ Blog—Janet’s commentary on life in Montana